Bani Brusadin
Good Morning, Eastyn
A short text commissioned by OMSK Social Club, signed under the multiple name of Luther BlissettA very short, kind of fictional text commissioned by OMSK Social Club for their (amazing) Unrealism: Heart of an Avatar project, featuring the one and many Eastyn Agrippa.

Intro taken from
“Heart of an Avatar : A Preliminary Document of the Internet” was conceived through a 58 day non-stop 24/7 real game play created by Omsk Social Club,
to which eight people took it in turns to collectively role-play a format to which the main protagonist Eastyn Agrippa a multiple-being wrote their memoir from the perspective of being an avatar, human, spirit multi-being.
Over the course of the two months, Eastyn lived and interacted solely online never leaving their apartment, connected to their core community on discord and the internet at large. They investigated new forms of radical connectivity through the glitch-course of human and avatar. This generated 58 unique NFTS as memoir, for each day they were alive.
During this period Eastyn took apart past and emergent theories surrounding the ontology of the avatar and net culture through the genre of theory-fiction to layout muses, arguments and ideas surrounding the topics of disembodied intimacy, death as multiple, belief and legitimacy online, self abolishment, body in code and safe spaces vs hurt spaces.