Bani Brusadin

Anomaly Loss (Automatic disappearances in the summer of AI)

A talk about "suppression" for A*Live, a project by A*Desk
October 2023
I was invited by A*Desk to give a short talk on the topic of 'suppression', which I decided to organize in 5 chapters: Scales, Redaction, Reduction, Horror, Inverted Suppression. Below a video of my talk (30' - in Spanish)

Barcelona, La Virreina. Centre de la Imatge
October 9, 2023

"A*DESK presents the tenth edition of A*LIVE, a dynamic public program in the form of a multi-layered, transversal and expanded format event. In this 2023 edition, we delve into the intriguing concept of Suppression, acknowledging how the transition between formats, facilitated by artificial intelligence, can lead to the disappearance of certain elements. Additionally, we approach this notion through the lens of societal shifts."

Curated by Montse Badia & María Muñoz
Animated graphics by Fito Conesa



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